BMI Calculator

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

Extra weight can lead to higher levels of total cholesterol along with high blood pressure and an increased risk of coronary artery disease. Obesity increases your chances in developing additional risk factors for heart problems, such as high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.En espanol

A common indicator of obesity is measured by weight index (BMI), which is a formula of kilograms divided by height measured in meters (BMI = W [kg]/H [m 2*). As per the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) overweight is defined as having a BMI higher than 25. People with a BMI greater than 30 are thought to be obese. You can find out what is your BMI in the following calculator. Once you've identified it, use that figure and then calculate your body composition using the table below.

Weight loss is healthy. BMI calculator

Find out if both you and your child weigh in at a healthy weight.

Note:BMI can be a helpful measure of growth for mostpeople, but it's only an estimate. It is not able of distinguishing between body fat and muscle mass. In addition, BMI may not be suitable for individuals, especially children with certain ailments, including genes or endocrine problems. Speak to a health practitioner about your weight if have any concerns or questions.

This calculator is not appropriate for women who are more than 10 weeks pregnant , or for children less than 2 years old

Healthy Weight BMI Calculator

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated based on the weight of the person and height.
  • It's utilized by health professionals to determine a healthy weight range.
  • Find out if you and your child weigh in at a healthy weight.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

BMI or body mass index (BMI) can be described as a measurement of body fat using height and weight that applies to adult males and females. BMI can be determined using an easy formula that could be calculated using calculatorssuch as the one shown below.

Who is a candidate for bariatric weight loss surgery?

Weight loss surgery is highly recommended for:

  • People who have a BMI that is 40 or more (approximately 100 pounds) over their body weight
  • People who have the BMI between 35 and 40 , and who suffer from at least one significant overweight health condition like sleep apnea, diabetes , or heart disease could qualify for surgery.

Have questions about next steps?

Northeast Georgia Medical Center's Bariatric Weight Loss Center offers both non-surgical and surgical weight loss options. For information about surgical options for weight loss go here. For non-surgical weight loss options go here.

If you have any questions or need more information you need, please contact toll-free at our Bariatric Weight Loss Center at 770-219-0597 or complete a contact form.

BMI Calculator * Calculate your Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index Also known as BMI, can be simply described as the ratio between an individual's height and weight. The innocent-looking number is calculated by dividing your weight by your height provides an accurate picture of your present body condition. But before we get into the details of its meaning we must first examine it.

To determine your BMI Enter your height , weight, and measurement in the box given below and hit the "Calculate BMI" button. BMI CalculatorGender Male FemaleEnter the weightKGLBSE of your HeightCMFT

Significance of Body Mass Index

While there have been a lot of theories and disagreements among scientists across the world about the ideal BMI numbers and the precise meanings but the WHO and CDC current standards indicate in agreement that the optimal BMI number should fall in the range of 18.6 between 24.9 and 24.9. Anything above the 30th percentile is considered obese. Anything less than 18 means you're overweight. If your BMI is higher than 30, or before 18 this is the perfect time to reconsider your diet.

In the past, there was no unanimous consensus regarding the differences between BMI values for males and females. Scientists who aren't happy with WHO's or CDC's sloppy figure insist on the fact that in case of women , the obese threshold should be 33. They assert that women typically have greater body mass than males. However, what they don't know is that BMI is not aimed merely for assessing aesthetics. The results of a scientific study show that health risks are equally high for men and women above value 25 kg/m3, hence solidifying the position for the position of WHO along with CDC.

The Calculation and Relevance of BMI

To determine the Body Mass Index, we divide the weight of the person, measured in kilograms in squares of their length in meters.

Therefore BMI = Weight (kg) / [Height (m)] 2

While BMIis an extensively used and accepted indicator for the physical state of a person It is not recommended that you use the same obtained from this site or any other one for the same reason as a definitive decision on your physical health. Its only purpose is to provide you with an overall picture of your situation. If you're thinking of making any major changes in your diet, you should talk to your physician.


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